Call for Papers

The aim of the OWL: Experiences and Directions Workshop (OWLED) is to establish an international forum for the OWL community, where practitioners in industry and academia, tool developers, and others interested in OWL can describe real and potential applications, share experiences and discuss requirements for language extensions/modifications. 

OWL has become the representational model of choice for supporting interoperability in many industries. With its rise in popularity, as well as the number of publicly available ontologies, it becomes important to focus on the processes by which ontologies can be engineered through reuse.

In this edition of OWLED we aim to bridge the gap between ontology engineering practices and software engineering, where reuse is common practice, and we welcome submissions of papers describing reuse methods employed throughout the ontology development cycle; modeling / terminological decisions, alignment and comparison between ontologies, how ontologies are stored, versioned, distributed, and consumed over the Web. As with previous editions, we also welcome proposals for improving the OWL standard.

This year we also have a special ontology track, with submissions of ontologies that present interesting modelling problems or that can generate challenging tasks with respect to OWLED topics (e.g., ontologies that reasoners find challenging to handle).

Papers related to any aspects of OWL and extensions, applications, theory, methods and tools, are welcome. 

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Application driven requirements for (extensions of) OWL
  • Applications of OWL, particularly
    • from industry or
    • for data integration
    • for service interoperability
    • for sophisticated/non-obvious inference
    • for knowledge discovery
    • and within specific domains e.g. law; biology and biomedicine; eLearning
  • Experience of using OWL: notably, highly expressive ontologies or the OWL 2 Profiles
  • Evaluation of OWL tools (e.g., ontology editors, versioning tools, reasoners)
  • Benchmarks for OWL tools
  • Performance and scalability issues and improvements
  • Extensions to OWL
  • OWL and Rules
  • Ontology engineering  techniques and experience reports
  • Non-standard reasoning services (implementation and requirements for)
  • Explanation
  • Translating natural language into OWL (and vice-versa, i.e., verbalisation)
  • Ontology comprehension and visualisation
  • Multilingual OWL
  • Modelling issues
  • Reuse of OWL ontologies
  • Tool descriptions and experience reports, including editors, visualisation, parsers and syntax checkers
  • Collaborative editing of ontologies
  • Comparison of OWL ontologies (diff)
  • Versioning of OWL ontologies
  • Alignment of OWL ontologies
  • Ontology modularity and views
  • Query answering with OWL
  • SPARQL and OWL
  • Linked Data and OWL
  • Ontology-based data access (e.g., ontologies for big data, data integration, data fusion)
  • Cognitive aspects of ontology engineering